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Flowering Cherry – Amanogawa (Multistem)


All the colours you would expect from a flowering cherry, the difference with this particular species it that it has a very upright habit…. Ideal tree if space is limited.

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Tree sizes explained below (click here)

"Flagpole Cherry". Beautiful spring flowering Japanese cherry bearing masses of semi-double pale pink flowers.   Rich autumn foliage colours.  The narrow upright habit makes this an ideal tree where space is limited.
Rootstock - Colt (semi-dwarf)
Eventual size, approximately, will be 5m(16ft) by 1,5m(5ft)

Planting Instructions

Suitable for most soil types, preferably a well-drained area.
Best planted in a full sun or only partially shaded area.
Soak the planting area before planting and ensure it is well watered afterwards.