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Betula Papyrifera – Paper Birch


This tree has a creamy-white peeling bark, the foliage in autumn is deep otange.

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The Paper or Canoe Birch, Betula Papyrifera, is a vigorous, medium-sized tree. Mature trees have beautiful peeling bark, creamy-white on the outside with a faint orange hue on the inside, which begins to appear on wood that is over 5 years old.   Young bark is a ruddy brown colour. The autumn colour is a pleasing deep orange.
Eventual size could be 17m(50ft), the tree has a very narrow canopy.

Planting Instructions

Suitable to any soil types, preferably well-drained areas.            Can be planted in full sun or lightly shaded area.                        Soak the ground before planting and keep well-waterwards.